Strategic COVID-19 Re-Entry Plan

“Commit thy works to the LORD, And your thoughts shall be established.”

Proverbs 16:3 KJV


In consultation with our leadership, nurses, and covid-19 task force ministry, we are prepared to have two in-person worship services starting on July 11, 2021, at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.As we prepare to re-enter our church facilities for in-person worship, the leadership of Antioch offer the attached guidelines with prayer and hope they will be fiercely observed and enforced. We are endeavoring to take every precaution to protect the physical health of the people who attend our church.


In-Person attendance is limited to 50% of the church’s capacity. To maintain the attendance limitation, all attendees must register to attend worship service. There will be two services on Sundays.

  1. Choose a time: 8:30 a.m. or 10:30 a.m.

  2. Select a method to register. You can use any of the following:

    EMAIL RSVP: (Send an email with your name, preferred time to attend worship service and a contact number.)

WEBSITE RSVP: (complete the form below)

PHONE CALL OR ON-SITE RSVP Mon. - Thur. 11 A.M. - 3 P.M. (850) 434-1904.

Worship Service Registration


Entering the Church

Arrive at church 30 MINUTES PRIOR to worship.

All staff, members and visitors are required to wear a mask during worship services and all other church activities at ALL times without any exceptions. Those under 2 years of age and any person with a disability who cannot safely wear a mask for reasons related to their disability are not required to wear a mask.

Check-in at the front door to confirm registration. Note: Handicap check-in will be located at back entrance door.

Temperature checks will be performed at both entrances. Sanitizer stations are also available.

Greeters and Nurses will direct members and visitors to the Ushers Ministry. Ushers provide directions for seating.

Ushers will seat members, visitors, and families. Social distancing will be observed and SEATING CAPACITY WILL REMAIN AT 50% UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.

Children cannot be dropped off or left unsupervised on the church campus during worship services or any other activities. Proper supervision is required.

  • Children under the age of 12 must be supervised by a parent, guardian, or an approved adult.

  • Children under the age of 17 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or an approved adult.

Final Words and Comments:

Work the plan and do not compromise the process.

We will follow up, assess, and evaluate the plan.

When modifications are necessary, we will meet and make the necessary changes.

Whenever change are made everyone will be notified.

Thanks for all you do TO THE GLORY OF GOD!

Implemented June 22, 2021

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